Monday, July 26, 2010

Safe Home

I went back to West Texas, my home of 30 years, to help my sister clutter clean, arrange, organize, and remove the last of our parents' things. We worked in her garage and the bedroom our mother stayed in for nearly four years at my sister's house. Many trips were made to Goodwill and when my sister drove me to the airport early Sunday morning, we still had a plastic bag of our mother's many eyeglasses in the front seat, going to an eye vision shop for charity. The night before I sat in my mother's room, wondering once again, as I had after her funeral, how I was ever going to be able to leave? And on this night I also felt the weight of the decades of history my sister and I had just revisited for those days. I felt each layer of my youth stinging with memory and grief.

How to let go?

I noticed a little photo book my sister said I'd given to my mother years ago. I opened it to flip through it. And there on the last page was a photo of my parents at the front door of their home, preparing to leave. In the photo they are waving, and suddenly I knew this was a sign to me from them that it was okay to move on. They were okay and they knew I was hurting. I stared at that photo late into the night. I am staring at it now.

It is a beautiful indication of the everlasting connection we have to each other. It is okay to move on because we are never apart.

Dedicated to Nancy and Reed Hastings

Sunday, July 18, 2010

You know how it is at a wedding: you see the wedding cake and the mouth starts watering. Eating with friends in celebration is a wonderful sensory experience. Whether you're the one getting married or attending, it is a delicious occasion. No matter what happens at the function, the cake tastes sweet, and if you're lucky, get to take a slice or two home.

I love that commercial that states, "Celebrate the moments of your life."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Blue Heaven

I am tactile by nature.  The way something feels upon touch means a lot to me. Which is why I found great joy when I pulled out the retro pale blue duvet and pillow cover I purchased online. I liked the color and the pattern, but once I ran my hands over the pillow cover, oh, heaven! I find myself carrying the pillow with me from bedroom to living room. If I were a child, it would be my security blanket. I respond to its texture and feel.

Surround yourself with tactile satisfaction.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Work that Touches Your Core

Last November, I took on work as an assistant at an inn in Brooklyn. The owner, a husband and wife team, operated the five room, four full floor apartment business out of two Victorian buildings. I answered the help wanted ad on Craigslist because a) I needed more income, and b) the idea of working at a bed and breakfast type establishment connected with several needs and passions inside me. I interviewed for the position and Marcie was resistant to hiring me because a) I was way over qualified, and b) not a college girl as she was used to hiring for such a position. But something about my persistence and desire to work in such a setting inspired her to give me a try. Since then I've gone on to tutoring at Mercy College, and this summer, I'm adding to my skill set as an ESL instructor, plus I have my own business: Workshops by Wolford, and I'm writing.

Marcie has hired on another assistant, but she calls me when there's a gap in schedules. She's even asked me to manage her buildings for nearly two weeks while she and her family are on vacation. I agreed, and am on duty now until July 10.

And I love it.

Yesterday was my first day and I was nervous. But soon, I realized it brought together my previous skills such as good customer service, event planning, time management, and managing staff. I arrived at 9 in the morning and left after 8. I liked scheduling the arrivals and departures of guests for the two weeks. The time went fast and even though the assistant had a conflict and I ended up cleaning three rooms, still, I felt refreshed and accomplished when I picked up my handbag and locked Marcie's office.

Today I am taking in flowers and will have fresh ones there for Marcie's arrival on the 11th. The assistant committed to steady work with me for the duration, and I'm picking up more cleaning supplies on my way in, and then dropping off the sheets at the laundry and retrieving the clean ones.

It is not my career, but it fits my dynamics. I like straightening up a room. I like making people feel comfortable in a new environment. I like making lists.  And I like seeing flowers in a vase sitting on the table when I arrive to do it all again.

Do what feels good to you and watch what else it brings!