Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Rainy Day

Monday, September 27, 2010

"I want you to look in the mirror three times a day until your reflection screams back how great you are!" - Suze Orman, The Spirit of Wealth, Hay House Radio

While attending a John Holland workshop,
I showed him this photo..."Spirit lights!" he said.
It is so easy to get caught up in other people's business, news, sad and tragic events, and our own worry and fret. Yet, why not flip it and make it easy to seek out thoughts that make us feel good? We are grounded in love so why not source from there? Anything else is pulling away, disconnecting from the pure strength of who we really are.

When I was young, I was very happy, bubbling happiness. As I grew, I grew more withdrawn because of my truth telling about my emotions; what I was feeling. "You're too sensitive," I was told. "You are thin-skinned," also came at me a lot. So I started not to trust my feelings. My feelings must be bad, I subconsciously and consciously began to think. And when that happens, self hatred is close.

Now I know my emotions and feelings are my power and I mine my thoughts like a California 49er. My intuition and sensitivities are right. There are no mistakes in the Universe. We are one glorious mathematical calculation and I am getting the right answers now.

A+ for me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meet me at 3...don't be late.

I sat in Barnes and Noble yesterday in the early evening and read an interview on Alice Walker. She said if you want to write, well, what she does is she makes a tea date, as though a friend or associate were coming. And then she shows up. If you don't show up, why should the tea guest?

I feel eternal gratefulness for people who can take the abstract and anchor it to commonsense, commonplace.

A body of work, one teabag at a time.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sluggish or Closed Chakras Affect Your Life

Last Sunday I attended an all-day workshop led by John Holland and it involved eight hours of laughter, information, and actual experience into awakening my psychic abilities. While at this workshop, I realized my chakra energy centers needed some attention and so I created images to associate with my chakras.

Here they are:

Crown: a purple crown with a beam of white light rising from the top of my head toward the sky.

Third Eye: an indigo telescope that I can open and close and see into the other dimensions.

Throat: a turquoise ocean below a turquoise sky that keeps my voice clear and strong.

Heart: a green apple coursing fresh energy to and from my heart.

Solar Plexus: a big yellow flower popping through my belly button, its petals waving. I can make it as big as I want and often I laugh, imagining it as wide as the area I am standing and I feel my personal power through this flower.

Sacral: a juicy orange, reminding me of my physical sexuality and fabulous nature.

Spine or base: a red stop sign, reminding me to STOP darting about and focus. Stay grounded. Dig those roots deep into the earth.

John told us to think of our chakras as batteries for our soul. I intend to keep mine charged and twirling from now on. Think of spinning wheels.

We are, afterall, energy and linked to physical and auric bodies. There is so much support and resources inside us, ready to provide a happy and joyous life. Always, always, always there are solutions swirling inside us.

I've left Bethlehem and I feel free...I've left the girl I was supposed to be and some day I'll be born. ~Paula Cole

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blue skies tell the story

The treetop view from my apartment in Brooklyn.
It is the day before the now famous, 9/11. I live in New York and am looking at the immaculate blue sky, remembering the day before the tragedy nine years ago. It was raining, and I had written a poem about the rain and how once it stopped the city was cleansed as in a baptism. I did not know the next day everything would change. So I remember 9/10 as much as 9/11, as I'm sure most New Yorkers do. Fall here in the Northeast is a beauty. I flip flop through the humidity and heat of its summers just to get to this point: Autumn. Frank Sinatra said it best. That we had such a horrendous crime committed to us during such a glorious season is truly an addition to the heartbreak.

Tomorrow the names will be read, the bells rung, and our hearts will ache all over again. I will be in Boston with my daughter. This will be my first 9/11 not in NYC. At the exact time I am writing this blog to you, I see that it is also the time when the first plane hit. It has caused our Country to come unglued, yet we will survive on many levels and manners. Hatred, we will find is never the answer nor is revenge. Love is our salvation. A continuous baptism of the heart.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Touching Upon the Release Button

The only way I learn concepts and procedures is to write them down and follow them time and time again until the paper is disintegrating. Such a process served me very nicely while learning the trade of bank telling and retail. What I've forgotten with spirituality is to do the same instead of reaching randomly for truths I know here and there in distress or discomfort. Routine is important and I feel my guides, the angels, and my loved ones already crossed, elbowing me to remember. They are tired of watching me veg out in front of the television, biting my fingernails, and removing myself more and more from Source. Oh, the slaps on the foreheads in frustration they must experience! Yet each day, I become more receptive to my higher self and all this tremendous help. And I accept.

Release the resistance. Release the resistance. Release the resistance runs through my head today, stabilizing in my heart, and activating my direction. For you see, it is not that I am going blank as much as pulling away from the fullness, the entirety, the full plate of choices and projects in front of me. I become frozen by the next steps. Fear of failure (or success) has become a good bully.

There is no need to fight the feeling, though, or even to try to outwork it. Dissolve it like we used to pour Coca Cola over spilled honey in the grocery store check out line. Dissolve it with this statement: I release the resistance. Say it a million times, if you must. Feel the sensations to result. Spirit is always willing. For me, it involves baby steps. And each day, this toddler is picking up the pace, teetering toward joy.
I've shown the bully to the door and made friends with Sheela. No blame. No shame. Just gain. I'm learning to release the resistance and to accept the help. It always has been there. And it always has come from me. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

These Dreams

Last night or early this morning, I had a dream that was tangled up in emotions. It was like watching a movie and I was telling "someone" beside me what I saw. There were scenes with my daughters as little girls, and I saw them speaking, moving, and yet not in any landmarks or surroundings I could identify. It truly was a movie. I also was in there, in other scenes, and when I awoke, my belly felt the effects of the struggle. Not physically, but I could tell my ongoing quest to open my solar plexus chakra was affected. I asked Archangel Michael to dissolve any webs around me, releasing me from the chaos of old emotions, regrets, anger, and dismay.

I feel better.

The answers are inside and found when asleep and awake. Time to live.

Dedicated to my daughters....