Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Saturday, June 19, 2010

"I'd rather have roses on my table, than diamonds on my neck." - Emma Goldman

One reason I love living in NYC are the flowers available 24/7! Yesterday, I picked up a bouquet of Pink Starlight Lillies for $10 and each time I look at them or smell them, my heart lifts. If you aren't living in an area that has an abundance of flowers for sale for cheap, plant some of your own. And as they grow, bend down and take in the fragrance. You are bound to feel better. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best: "Earth laughs in flowers."

When I first moved here, I noticed the flower stands in front of the delis. Soon, it became a habit to buy a bouquet on each pay day. I no longer wait for them to be given to me. I buy them, cut the stems, and arrange them. And then I stare at them, snip them at the base of the flower when they are past their prime; let them float in a clear bowl of water. And even then, when I must dispose of them, consider drying them. I mourn the demise of my flowers.

But there is always another stand at the end of another block awaiting me.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just a Place to Have Fun

You know, I upload You Tube videos on my Facebook page nearly every night. I'm drawn to tasty food. I love good and interesting aromas from perfume to flowers to spice and nature. I watch clouds, birds, people, and trees. There is nothing I love more than the touch of fabrics and various textures. And most of all, I am discovering an interest in developing my sixth sense.

So there you have it. Here within the six senses I am building this blog in order to have a place to play - as happy as children in a sandbox - I will present what I love through these senses. I hope you will enjoy it, participate, comment, and share your thrill of senses, too.

How fun, yes?

Here we go. Today, I'd like to present a video by Corrine Bailey. She shows her passion and joy in doing what she loves, and isn't it lovely to listen?