Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just a Place to Have Fun

You know, I upload You Tube videos on my Facebook page nearly every night. I'm drawn to tasty food. I love good and interesting aromas from perfume to flowers to spice and nature. I watch clouds, birds, people, and trees. There is nothing I love more than the touch of fabrics and various textures. And most of all, I am discovering an interest in developing my sixth sense.

So there you have it. Here within the six senses I am building this blog in order to have a place to play - as happy as children in a sandbox - I will present what I love through these senses. I hope you will enjoy it, participate, comment, and share your thrill of senses, too.

How fun, yes?

Here we go. Today, I'd like to present a video by Corrine Bailey. She shows her passion and joy in doing what she loves, and isn't it lovely to listen?

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