Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday's Child is Full of Pork

Main Street, Flushing, Queens
Subbing for an ESL teacher and in order to make it to my memoir workshop, I found myself scrambling from classroom to senior residence without lunch. So being that I was in Flushing, Queens, I stopped and bought a roast pork bun and a soft drink at Happy Dumpling. I  drank and ate while scurrying toward the workshop. Oh the cola tasted so wonderful and the bakery bread of the bun satisfied the comfort seeking gal in me. The pork pieces were clear to one side of the bun and gushing out so I walked into the residence club with a mouthful of pork; happy as a pig in mud.

I left the workshop two hours later, still hungry, but not feeling the kind of hunger where devilish deeds are committed, but, rather, instead went home and grilled a chicken cutlet, made mashed potatoes (with a little cheese)and zapped creamed spinach. I drank lots of water, too. No sweets for the day; I noticed I was quite evenly chilled and centered. I am heading to the fridge now for a Clementine. All in all, it was the ending to a - um perfect sort of  food day. Just don't tell my daughters about the pork bun. I can trust you, right? Right.

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