Monday, September 27, 2010

"I want you to look in the mirror three times a day until your reflection screams back how great you are!" - Suze Orman, The Spirit of Wealth, Hay House Radio

While attending a John Holland workshop,
I showed him this photo..."Spirit lights!" he said.
It is so easy to get caught up in other people's business, news, sad and tragic events, and our own worry and fret. Yet, why not flip it and make it easy to seek out thoughts that make us feel good? We are grounded in love so why not source from there? Anything else is pulling away, disconnecting from the pure strength of who we really are.

When I was young, I was very happy, bubbling happiness. As I grew, I grew more withdrawn because of my truth telling about my emotions; what I was feeling. "You're too sensitive," I was told. "You are thin-skinned," also came at me a lot. So I started not to trust my feelings. My feelings must be bad, I subconsciously and consciously began to think. And when that happens, self hatred is close.

Now I know my emotions and feelings are my power and I mine my thoughts like a California 49er. My intuition and sensitivities are right. There are no mistakes in the Universe. We are one glorious mathematical calculation and I am getting the right answers now.

A+ for me.

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