Thursday, September 2, 2010

These Dreams

Last night or early this morning, I had a dream that was tangled up in emotions. It was like watching a movie and I was telling "someone" beside me what I saw. There were scenes with my daughters as little girls, and I saw them speaking, moving, and yet not in any landmarks or surroundings I could identify. It truly was a movie. I also was in there, in other scenes, and when I awoke, my belly felt the effects of the struggle. Not physically, but I could tell my ongoing quest to open my solar plexus chakra was affected. I asked Archangel Michael to dissolve any webs around me, releasing me from the chaos of old emotions, regrets, anger, and dismay.

I feel better.

The answers are inside and found when asleep and awake. Time to live.

Dedicated to my daughters....

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